Look whos home.....

Oh yes little miss attitude is back haha ! and that is what she is for sure, oh my gosh I missed her but shes come back a little madame lol think nanni spoilt her to much , but shes allowed as she lives so far away doesnt get to spoil her much! Plus I'l whip her into shape in no time hehe.
Well ive been a busy bunny scrapping! Finally done my first pages for nevaehs album and I love them! I have so many products around that I dont use enough I thought I'd whip everything out and have a free for all on my new pages haha! Really enjoyed iut too.
So here goes..( be warned picture overload )

All pages were really fun to do, I have been finding it hard to get time to scrap anbd when I have Ive found that im too stressed to enjoy it! But hopefully its all calm and I'm able to relax and enjoy doing what I love.
Been stash shopping alot to lol!!!!! to much actually , Ive just purchased all the new american crafts cha releases ! will be here monday or tuesday I hope , also the new pink paislee stuff ( its all so lush) Now im just waiting for the maya road, sassafras lass, basic grey and heidi swapp!

Its all still sprad out on my chair as I like to look at it for a while before putting it away I'm weird I know lol!!
Ive also been making little tutu's for the girls so I can take some cutsie pics of them together cause ive got my new backdrop now which makes taking pictures so much easier
heres the tutus

They look so much better on! so will post pics when I have taken them. These are so easy to make If you want to know how to make one leave a comment and il let you know!
We have had a trip to birmingham to pick up ashaara and while we were there me and jas took advantage of the on tap babysitting ( love ya kath, zosha and the kids) to go out with our friends in brum, boy did i regret it the next morning! Its not often me and jas get to go clubbing together ! and i loved it
heres a pic of my handsome man and me before we were trollied haha

I wont show you the after cause its not a pretty sight!
Anyway im off to start a page before nevaeh wakes for a feed
thanks for stopping by
nuff love

You have been a busy little bee. Love your LOs, your children are so lovely.
Great LOs and lovely stash!
ohhh bless her i bet your so glad she is back, such a cutie :D
Wicked lo's hun love your work.
Also where did you get those lush maya road butterfly rub-ons from i NEEEEEEEED them tee hee, well in fact if i tell the truth i NEEEEED all of that stash on your chair lol.
Katy xxxx
I bet you're so glad to have your little cutie back,attitude or not...lol.Gorgeous LO of your beautiful family.Wow aren't you lucky with all that new stash.Bet you can't wait for the rest.
Cass xxx
Those tutus are GORGEOUS! Would love to know how you made them - would be perfect for my little one!
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