Yep my gorgeous babygirl has been in birmingham for a whole week and I'm not picking her up for a whole week still! Oh how the house is quiet! Sniff sniff.....
Anyway Its been ages since I blogged have ya missed me? I do have some crafty projects to share but havent taken the pictures as when I got in from work tonight the light wasnt to good so will upload tommorow.
Has anyone been to see THE DARK KNIGHT omg!!! i loved it was jumping around in my seat and everything I have to say the joker made the film he played the part so well! If you havent seen it go and see it NOWWWWWW!
The lovely and very talented debs gave me this award thankyou hun!
so now I have to answer the following questions so here goes .......
10yrs ago I was entering my last year at high school taking my exams and rebelling against everything my parents said
5 things to do today! go to work, shopping at asda, get disk of my dad, reply to emails, update blog .
snaks i enjoy... anything sweet and bad for me lol
Places I have lived... just sunny old blackpool
what I would do if i was amillionaire.... start up some businesses help out all family of course, invest for the future, travel the world and buy as many strokable scrapping products as i could, oh and jimmy choos every pair possible.
now to tag further crafters erm.. il have to have a think will update later

Anyway thats it from me just thought id pop and say hello
thanks for stoppin by
nuff love

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