oh and go have a look at this and take part will look fabby if everyone takes part thanks annette for the link!
Anyway lookie what is on my desk right now

its my goodie box for the scrapbook apprentice compition! and it is full of yummyness
The criteria to design to is layers and is a chocolate theme watch this space for some sneaks .
This came today too lots and lots of lush maya road goodies .Ive been holding of buying htese cause although i love em I have far to much stask lol but the gorgeous other half surprised me for my birthday , as they are bought from the states they took a while to come lol but i let out a rather loud sqeal

tahe a look here for all the entries for the scrapbook apprentice and pick up a mag to see more! plus its full of yumminess as always
ok im off to try sleep
nuff love

OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW what a fba load of stash you got hun, My friend Emma is in the SA she was telling me what she got :D and also OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW to your box of maya road i NEEEEEED it all tee hee of to fine dome maya road flowers :D
Cant wait to see your creations hun
Much Love Katy xx
You lucky girl. That is a lovely amount of stash.
Wow, loads of yummy stash! look forward to seeing what you do with it, Congrats on the DT comp, will be keeping a look out for you in coming issues,
& thanks for the comment on my blog, good luck, My DD is picking a winner tonight!
Love Rach x
Wow. I am so jealous - what great stash.
Hope you get a good night's sleep soon.
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