Nevaeh is teething, and just generaly seems to be quiet miserable lol, ashaara has hit the terrible twos and likes to put her fingers in her ears while singing while im trying to point out that red pen does not look good on my cream leather sofas! Connor is driving me round the benddd with his what ifs, when and how do i's and to top it off jason just doesnt seem to understand the stress and hecticness of runnign a household, 3 children and a job! and then he says have you scrapped pppppffffff yeah course I have inbetween tea, ironing, work bath time bedtime and sleep!
Then the mother of all problems on a freezing cold day in October my boiler gets CONDEMNED YEP YOU READ RIGHT THEY TURNED OF MY HEATING, HOT WATER AND COOKER because I have a gas leak ,ok fair enuff its better to be safe, but where am i supposed to find £2700 for a new boiler???? so im sat here infront of an electric fore which by the way have ate £18 electric in 12 hours!!! thinking can it get any worse!
3 months before Im looking to get it fixed! luckily mum n dad live next door so we are using their bath and hot water!
Anyway Ive ranted im fine im smiling ( at myslef for getting so stressed) and im ready to move on for the sake of you and your sanity haha.
So the rak winner ................. connor had been begging to choose this one so i read him the comments and he picked
who said
congratulations on your 100th post!!! that's great, and on the 3lbs - super!! the layouts are gorgeous too,
ok i love to blog because it keeps a record for me, to see all the work i've done and to keep a diary (i have 2 blogs) but i like reading blogs because i find some of them interesting in a non craft way but i totally love crafting blogs because it gives me inspiration!!why did he you may ask??? because he said vicki was his gf's name and she mayube be reading so he thought he would pick just in case haha how cute
So chika send me your addy and Il post a lovely vintage mini kit to you!
Katy Katy Katy !!!! The stamps will be on there way monday I promise! promise promise!!!!
Ok so now I know its about time I showed you something seen as this is a crafty blog and not a housewifes ranting blog lol so here goes
I finally finished nevaehs keepsake tin ( ALTHOUGH I STILL HAVENT DONE ASHAARAS AND CONNORS LOL ) so here the pics enjoy.......................

Ok so loads of pictures there lol!
Il leave ya with a gorgeous pic of nevaeh boy is she getting biggggg now
Pop back on my next post Il have a lovely album kit to give away with lots of new relases!!! stay tuned

nuff love

WOW - she certainly is growing ... Bless ... so cute X
Yay hun well done on the update :D il look forward to the stamps :D And well done to Vicki on winning the rak :D
Im so loving that album you have made for the keepsake tin, its got me inspired to get cracking with a book im doing for Brooklyn :)
Hope you manage to get your boiler fixed soon, get them hot water bottles out.
Look forward to the next update.
Love Katy xx
awwww thanks so much for the prize!!!! and awwww what a cutie your son is xxxx
Love the album, very pretty & love the scalloped edges. What a great keepsake for her when she gets older.
I love the idea of a keepsake tin, so totally amazing!
Stunning book and gorgeous baby. I can't believe she's so big now. It's only a couple of days since she was born!
What a fantastic album. Love the cover in particular. How did you manage to get all those photos into one post? It will only allow me four.
Oh what a gorgeous keepsake tin Kelly ! so special ! and all wrapped in ribbon !
btw ---- red pens on sofa , hmmmm my 18 year waxed her legs while watching telly ! i sat down after - dried wax , warm bum doesnt mix too good ! and you would think by that age it would change !lol
great blog !
Lovely tin a very precious gift that will mean alot when she is older. Lovely blog as well.
ahh thats a fab idea feeling all inspired now.....
Stunning keepsake tin Kelly.
And yes I do live in Sunny Blackpool (well actually wet & windy Blackpool :))
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