Gosh I'm loving life right now, i was expecting to feel tired and emotional and like I was riding a roller coaster most of the time , but I feel on top of the world, yeah I'm still a little tired in the day but I', loving having all the family at home together. Be warned it may all change when jas goes back to work on Saturday lol and I'm left looking after and managing 3 kids all on my own. But just watch this space haha.
Have been doing little bits of crafting at the nights, especially when nevaeh wont sleep lol gives me the perfect opportunity to scrap.
First of I found this fab tutorial on how to make a carousel so I had a go at making my mum one to say thanks for being at the birth and holding my hands.
here's my attempt....................

I used k&co papers and just some random embellishments. I plan to make another for myself but just haven't got around to it yet.
Some pages I did before having nevaeh but just haven't had time to upload ....

I'm still breastfeeding, which I'm surprised about after having had mastitis and now getting it again! OMGOOOODDDNNEEESSS its painful!! and they say you have to keep feeding to get rid of it! that's even more painful! but I'm trooping on. Don't think il carry on if I get it again though lol.
Nevaeh is starting to fill out a bit now, you can see her face more now its not so scrawny lol
latest pic taken through the bars of her crib this morning ....

The poor child has her fathers lips and nose just like ashaara lol! but alot less hair it has to be said! ashaara was born with a mountain of hair where as nevaeh hardly had any at all .
Ok that's me for now
am off to feed through the pain haha
thanks for stopping by
nuff love

7 comments:'re a trooper. I was so unwell with mastitis I gave up breastfeeding.Gorgeous LO's and love the carousel,what a gorgeous keepsake.Beautiful photo,she's absolutely adorable.
Cass xxx
Well done with persevering with the breast feeding. I never had mastitis so I can't really comment, but I would say try to continue if possible.
The LOs are lovely and your little one is so sweet.
wow what a lovely carousel. Blimey the name sounds painful enough and have heard it can be too. Have fun!
hi hun, ooh sounds painful, never had it, but sounds dreadful! baby girl looking gorgeous, (they are adorable when asleep!)& lovelky carousel, bet your mum will love it, take care x (card is still being made! sorry for delay!)
Beautiful Project, beautiful names for beautiful children {all 3 of them} Your a lucky lady Kelly, enjoy your family and rest when Nevaeh does!
awww some lovely LO's and Nevaeh is totally gorgeous!!
hope you are feeling a little more comfortable now. Well done for keeping going with the feeding. great L/Os too . what are you a super mum xxxxx
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