Thank GOD connor is back at school tommorow monster is not even the world for this child at the moment! he is 7 in 3 weeks and has been screaming and stamping his feet like a 3 year old and now ashaara has started to copy him! Ive just no energy at the moment to deal with him so unfortunatly jason has been baring the main back lash of it hehe never mind eh?
So Ive been busy doing a lol over the last few days I took my time with this one cause I wasn't too sure where i wanted to go with it but im happy with it now....

I splatterd paint on the white background to give a bit of colour , used lots of primas, pink paislee stamps (love these) I coloured the stamps using watercolour pencils and paper, some minature alphabet stamps to add a few words hand drawn rainbows and heart (drawn on sticker paper) and ac vinyl aplhas
some pics of the details...................

I'm addicted to etsy latley I tell ya and have bought loadssssssssssssss that i shouldnt haha lots of journaling goodies and as you know if you visit etsy you get a few of each design so I thought id give someone the chance to grab there self some
also a few maya road office sheers cause I'll never use them all!
pic of goodies.......................

Lots of journaling note cards, tags, sheers, a few stickers, libary pockets and a few other bits.
Want to bag it? just leave a comment and I'l pick someone using the random number generator thingy on friday.
Thanks for popping by
nuff love

Gorgeous LO!
WOW Kelly! This LO is so cute!
And os is the RAK;)
Loving that latest LO. I've been lurking on your blog for a while...nothing like a bit of blog candy to prompt me to post!!!
Love what you've done with the pink paislee stamps! Would love some of the maya road office sheers, was going to buy some but knew I'd never use them all.
Love the Lo - especially the colours.
Don't worry about going into labour and nothing happening - I had that and he's about to turn 17 and is a strapping lad who is rather nice with it. Good luck with the baby
Hi Kelly, hope your doing ok,
Your LO is lovely, i love all the bright colours that are 'in' now,
Love to grab some of those Etsy cards!!! take care :) x
Gorgeous LO. Love all the little doodles.
Fab goodies too. You're very generous.
Cass xxx
Gorgeous LO! Love all the coloured flowers, the rainbow, the little bird, the photos -infact everything!!
Fab stash. You are very kind to spread it around!!
Hope things settle down at home soon - or are we going to see Connor up for grabs soon too!! Lol!!
Gorgeous layout. Well done.
Hope the baby comes soon.
Hi Kelly
Hope you havent too long to wait now. Just love that LO - its fab.
Never seen your blog until you posted on uks, and its great! that layout is just adorable, i am going to add you to my google reader, your blog is definitely worth a second look!
love your blog, first time ive seen it!
the goodies look lush!
Love your blog & gallery on UKS, some great stuff.
37 weeks!!!! I went 40 weeks + 9 days with both of my girls!!!! I'm sure she'll be here soon enough. xx
Fabulous work .... you take it easy X
Gorgeous goodies. Take care of yourself - I'm sure D Day won't be long!!
Best wishes for D day. Very generous of you to share your stash.
love the lo
37 weeks seems so long ago. DS 3 is now nearly three weeks old already. Pictures on my blog. Hope all goes well for you. It is so normal to be fed up at this stage. Soon it will be all over and you will have your DD.
Your layouts are stunning BTW.
Love the LO its fab! The stash looks gorgeous.
Gorgeous layout and crossing fingers baby girl arrives soon :)
[[[hugs]]] for you and your precious bundle when she arrives.
scotgal (uks)
Lovely bright LO.
Hope babe puts in an appearance soon!
Tracy (mumof4girls - uks)
Fabulous LO.
Looking forward to hearing the good news of Baby's safe arrival.
Gorgeous LO love the paint splatters! AWWW sorry to hear you were just practicing as it were for the main event - sending you lots of love for when it does happen.
aww totally gorgeous lo hun and i hope that baby comes soon!! i can't wait to see piccies :D xxx
Great LO
I so know where you are coming from with your impatience at 37 weeks. DD was born at just 37 weeks (preeclampsia) and with DS I spent much of the pregnancy threatening to labour, so the aim was to TRY to get me to 36 weeks before delivery. In the end, at 36 weeks, I STOPPED trying to go into prem labour, and nothing happened until 38 and a half weeks! Very fast labour (nothing with me, I had only gone to the ward for a monitoring CTG) and everyone said I was lucky he was early - and couldn't understand why I insisted he was two weeks late - at least in my head he was!
love the way you have used the skull and cross bones to make a baby page .. off to dig out the ones i have now ..
come on out baby .. we all want to see you
LOVE that LO!
Hope the little one makes an appearance soon :o)
oh i love your lo, are they stamps the pics of the rainbows and skull?
I wonder who will have there baby first you or my sister she is due in 17 days lol.
Good luck hun
Katy xx
Wow your LO is gorgeous, what a fab idea. Would love to win the goodies. Have a good day.
Great LO, love the colours, and am always partial to some blog candy.
Hang in there! She will be worth the wait!
Some lovely work on this blog... I think I will visit more often :D
Kevin (Kevie192) X x
love the colour our world L/O its really fab x
Great Blog. Hope your new little girl doesnt keep you waiting too long
Cute page, really like how you have used the blossoms as photo mats. Good luck with your new arrival, when they decided to arrive :)
You have been busy, and a girl after my own heart with the common but classy theme of pink xxx keep up the good work xxx and look after yourself xxxx
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