so here is the moment my angel grew horns.................

and then the silence......................

At this point I thought thank the lord for dummies haha.
Had an appointment witht the midwife today, im still measuring slightly smaller(29 weeks and im almost 31) and blood pressure is slightly high but im trooping on. Got to go and see the specialist next wednesday for a growth scan and to have steriod injections to mature the baby's lungs as I always seem to have premature babies haha.But at least all is good and only 7 and a bit more weeks to go.. if I go full term, i really need to get a shift on and buy some things that we need ive been so lazy tut.
Anyway nothing crafty to share for now
back later maybe as jas is of out with the boiys so may get a chance to scrap if my energy levels rise a bit
take care
aaahh bless, even when she's crying she still looks adorable! i'm sure you'd disagree when she's screaming the house down!! x
Aww she looks adorable. I'd have given in as well! Deb x
Awwww...she is so gorgeous,even when having a paddy. Hope you get some crafting done.
Cass xx
Hi hun, got to tag you i'm afraid!! 7 random facts about you please, then pass on to 5 people, thanks x
Bless her - those piccys are priceless!
What a cutie and a brilliant set of photos:)
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